Brief Introduction


The Institute of Pomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (IP, CAAS), is a national scientific research organization responsible for applied and basic research, as well as new technology development for the rural economy. Established in 1958 and located in Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province, IP conducts research on apples, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, apricots, strawberries, blueberries, kiwifruits, and jujubes. IP focuses on fruit germplasm resources, genetic breeding, physiology and cultivation, plant protection, storage and processing, quality and safety, and fruit science and technology information.

IP has 7 research centers, 6 administrative departments, and 2 support departments. It has established 6 research groups for the CAAS science and technology innovation project and 30 research teams. The institute currently employs 201 staff members, including 50 senior researchers, 54 assistant researchers, 31 PhD holders, and 72 master's degree holders.

IP offers doctoral and master's degree programs and has post-doctoral research stations in Pomology, Plant Pathology, and Entomology. Currently, there are 5 doctoral supervisors and 27 postgraduate supervisors. In the past five years, 21 PhD candidates have graduated, including 10 international students and 2 from Sino-foreign joint training programs, as well as 45 master's students.

IP is supported by several national platforms, including the National Apple & Pear Field Genebank, the National Apple Breeding Center, and the National Center for Eliminating Viruses from Deciduous Fruit Trees. Other platforms include the National Agricultural Experimental Station for Plant Protection, the Key Laboratory of Horticultural Crop Germplasm Utilization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MOA), the Fruit Quality and Safety Risk Assessment Laboratory of MOA, the Supervision & Test Center of Fruit and Nursery Stocks Quality (Xingcheng) of MOA, the Liaoning Scientific Observation and Testing Station for Crop Genetic Resources and Germplasm Creation of MOA, the Research Station of Deciduous Fruit Trees of MOA, and the Sino-Italian Joint Laboratory of Pomology. 

International cooperation is a crucial part of IP's mission. IP has established long-term partnerships with 48 institutions in 21 countries and has signed several bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements, including the Sino-Italian Joint Laboratory of Pomology. In the past five years, 11 young scholars have been sent to six countries, such as New Zealand, the United States, and Canada, for long-term training and collaborative research.

IP has held five international training workshops on fruit production technology for developing countries along the Belt and Road Initiative (e.g., Pakistan and Bangladesh). These workshops hosted 116 students from more than 20 countries for short-term study. Additionally, three international academic conferences on fruit science and technology innovation were organized. IP also hosted the first international seminar on “One Belt, One Road” national fruit science and technology innovation and other international academic exchange seminars.

The Fruit Tree Professional Committee of the Chinese Horticultural Society is affiliated with IP and organizes several national academic conferences each year. IP sponsors the publication of two journals, “China Fruit & Practical Technology” and “Information of Fruit Tree”, which aim to introduce new varieties and techniques.

Currently, IP has won 114 awards, including 7 national and 86 provincial and ministerial achievements. Since its establishment, it has bred more than 200 new fruit varieties and obtained over 100 authorized patents. IP has identified numerous new genes and valuable germplasms, innovated a series of new products in fertilizers and bio-control products, and made significant contributions to social and economic benefits.

The success of IP can be attributed to an ideal combination of science, technology, and economic incentives. A primary driver is the active transfer of technology for the betterment of all. Our researchers, at the forefront of fruit production, help transform the latest technological achievements into practical applications for farmers through technical training and onsite demonstrations. IP works closely with local governments and fruit enterprises to promote economic development through technology transfer, expert workstations, and demonstration bases.

As IP plays a greater role in the global scientific community, it seeks to establish further international collaboration for the sustainable development of the fruit industry and make significant contributions to eliminating poverty in rural areas worldwide.

Contact Us

Institute of Pomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences  

Address: No. 98 Xinghai South St., Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, China  

Postcode: 125100  

Tel: +86-429-3598109, +86-429-3598118  

Fax: +86-429-3598288, +86-429-3598118  
